The boarding house was introduced to cater for all categories of students.
Before a student is admitted into the boarding house he or she and the parents/guardian are invited for an interview
The boarding house offers unique services and as such it is “Home away from Home” therefore parents should be ready to leave their children with trust in the hands of the formators.
All students are expected to strictly adhere to the rules and regulations of the boarding house as issued to them on resumption in the Hostel.

i. Boarding Fee
ii. Mattress and Pillow
iii. Torchlight and Lamp
iv. Three pairs of Bed Sheet (2 light blue and one white)
v. Toilet rolls, Soap, Soap Dish, Detergent, Body Cream, etc
vi. Raincoat or umbrella
vii. Bucket
viii. Night wear and Pajamas
ix. Bathroom Slippers
x. Customized Uniform (Provided by the school only)
xi. Black laced cover shoe and 5 Pairs of white socks
xii. First aid box and sick bay facilities will be provided by the school.
xiii. Visiting Day (First Saturday of the month between 10am and 6pm)
xiv. Pocket money will be kept with the House Master/House Mistress for weekly needs.

i. Students must obey the bell for rising, Mass, Meals, Siesta, Studies, games, Prayers and other activities. All activities must be attended punctually. Any defaulter will be punished
ii. There should be no noise in or around the chapel.
iii(a). Penalty for any misbehaviour in the chapel or during any prayer gathering may attract instant expulsion or suspension from the boarding house.
(b). Sunday mass is compulsory for all the students in the boarding house. Irreverence for God and holy objects will NOT be tolerated.
iv. No visitor or day student is to go near the hostel without permissions.
v. Parents should keep the visiting day of the first Saturday of the month from 10am to 6pm. vi. Only parents and accredited guidance are allowed to visit the students. Parents stand the risk of being sent back if they don’t keep to the visiting days and hours.
vii. Boarders should return to school the day before the school resumption date, wearing their house uniform. Defaulters will be sent home on suspension.
viii. Students luggage will be thoroughly screened on resumption and any unwanted item will be sized.
ix. Excessive provision will not be allowed in the hostel. Excess will be confiscated.
x. No cook or uncooked food should be brought into any of the hostel either at resumption or during the visiting day.
xi. Parent should not ask for their children to attend any ceremony such as weddings, funerals naming ceremony, etc. when in the boarding house except with genuine reasons.
xii. Any student who wishes to travel outside with genuine reason should take permission from the College authority and he or she must report when he or she returns. Penalty for leaving the compound without permission is expulsion from the hostel. Any student thus expelled cannot continue schooling in the College.
xiii. Studies during the prep should be done in perfect silence. Defaulter’s punishment is cutting of grass.
xiv. Any student found ill-treating other students by beating up or exercising any other punishment beyond the stipulated ones will be severely dealt with and may be suspended from the boarding house.
xv. Sick students should report to the House master/mistress or the Matron.
xvi. Surrounding must always be clean. No rubbish must be dropped in or around the hostel. Those in the dirty room(s) will be punished and those in the neatest room(s) will be rewarded.

i. No food must be taken out of the dining room except to someone who is sick. This should be done with permission. Defaulter’s punishment is cutting of grass.
ii. No student must waste any food. Any student who does not want to eat with genuine reason can give out the food. No food must be thrown away or wasted. Defaulters will be sent to the kitchen to work for three days.
iii. Students should obey the bell for meal; eat only their rations with complete set of cutlery. Defaulters will work in the refectory for two days.
iv. No student should be found in the kitchen or food store except the food prefect.
v. There should be no talking or roaming about during meals; Defaulter’s punishment is washing of the plates for two days.

i. Every student has only three chances in the hostel. Any student who is reprimanded thrice for serious offences will be expelled if he or she persists in his wrong acts.
ii. Withdrawal from the hostel shall be entertained at the end of a session only.

9 Oct 2023

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